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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  July 1, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm CDT

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illinois. he had a fractured jaw in two places, broken nose, broken skull. >> on this quiet block, a member of a band tried to break up a fight. instead, he's brutally beaten himself. good evening. i'm mark suppelsa. >> i'm micah materre. our top story scene around the country tonight, the base player in the madina lake band beaten after intervening a domestic dispute. jae miller has the details. >> reporter: matthew leone remains in critical condition tonight. his brother tells me he has severe head and brain injuries
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and says matthew was doing the right thing. >> the initial hit was while matthew had his back to him. so he had no chance from the beginning. >> reporter: nathan leone talking about his twin brother matthew and the horrible beating he suffered early tuesday morning. the 35-year-old from palatine and basist for the madina lake band was walking in the westtown neighborhood before 2:00 a.m. when he saw a woman being beaten up by a man. he came to the woman's aid and got the woman's husband who was twice his size off of her but he proceeded to beat matthew unconscious. broken jaw, broken nose, a fractured skull. his brother tells me doctors massive brain swelling.
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nathan, matthew's twin says seeing his brother unconscious in a hospital bed has been the hardest thing he's experienced. >> in the first couple of nights, it was brutal. because i've been next to him the entire time. when your twin brother is talking gibberish to you, it's a feeling you can't really describe. but this morning he recognizes me and he's talking and starting to understand kind of what happened. so i think the prognosis is looking upward. >> reporter: nathan tells me that they're hoping for matthew to be released from the hospital in the next week or so. but of course, that all depends on his progress. we should also mention matthew did not have medical insurance. he just let it lapse. the family is working on trying
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to put together a fund. also police have no one in custody. jae miller, wgn news. >> thanks a lot. former governor rod blagojevich painted as a big spender. the governor is heard in audio finding a way out of debt. >> reporter: he was spending money on clothes like a rock store. $1300 in ties in one day. in fact, his family spent more on clothes during seven years than they did on their mortgage. in the audiotapes, you get to hear an angry blagojevich, the prosecution showing he was desperate and would do anything for money. waving, smiling blagojevich walked out of court. but today the jury heard an angry rod about his finances and frustrated others were getting ahead of him.
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>> and i'm stuck. it's no good. it's no good. i got to get moving. the whole world is passing me by and i'm stuck in this brian job as governor now. i'm stuck. >> reporter: stuck and with a lot of bills. that over a seven year period, the blagojevich spent $400,000 in clothes alone. the governor who made $170,000 a year dropped $20,000 for suits one day. but yet his concern for his family's financial future was growing. >> i can't afford college for my daughter. >> reporter: in the tapes he's also heard talking to his advisors about appointing himself to the senate seat. they told him if he did, he'd be a national joke. then his comments get real heated when talking of
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appointing valerie jerrett. >> you are telling me i got to suck it up for two years and do nothing. [bleep] senator. [bleep] him. for nothing? [bleep] him. i'll butt louanner in there before i get jarett in is there. don't get me started. he's got to pretend he's not for everybody. and i piss everybody off. >> reporter: today he didn't address that conversation or many of the others. he did, however, make mention of the family's contributions to the irs. >> i take a certain amount of patriotic satisfaction as we approach our nation's birthday knowing that pattie and i spent our money to the irs. >> reporter: so an update for the trial. the timeline is four to five
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months. today the prosecution says things are moving quickly. the prosecution may wrap up in two weeks then on to the defense. it may move on quicker than we thought. >> sounds like it. thanks. more trouble for the former police commander jon burge. an exinmate has filed a suit against him. by ron kitchen who spent 21 years in jail after confessing to a crime he didn't commit because he was tortured on this man. also names mayorday lee who was state torn at the time. we contacted the mayor's office about the lawsuit but there was no comment. plan b for the mayor and the handgun law. a new proposal for what he calls the most comprehensive gun proposal in the. plans to prohibit gun owners from stepping outside their homes. no porches, no garages, with a
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handgun. >> our new ordinance allows a two-step process to own a handgun. >> we're watching to see what these new ordinances will be. we heard rumors today but nothing's been passed. >> reporter: the illinois rifle association taking a close look at the plan to make sure it complies with how it reads the supreme court ruling. they will vote on the new gun ban tomorrow. the nba free agency period began less than 24 hours ago. there's been lot of talk. the bulls are in the middle of the muck. >> they want one of the top three big names this year. and rich king is here with more. >> things off to a red hot start. the meetings are underway. new nba teams all hoping to sign one of the top three free agents for 2010. lebron james of course the top man. he was in cleveland meeting with the nets and the new york
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knicks. the bulls will meet with lebron on tuesday. dwayne wade, we have video of that here. the meeting apparently lasted for two hours. the bulls will meet tomorrow with chris bosch in chicago. it may take several days for all this to pay itself off. the entire bulls front office heads for cleveland. we'll have more coming up in sports. >> the big sell in akron this weekend. >> let's see if we can bring him home. day one of the construction workers strike and their equipment is idle on the ike. then an energy at the taste. we'll tell you what caused several people to get sick. is it a record-breaking divorce settlement? costing a dollar number close to the b word.
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scorching temperatures back to the chicago area. tom skilling will have the holiday forecast coming up. ?@@!
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i just parked here a second ago! give me a break, will you? (announcer) dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles with two different gels for softness and support... ...are outrageously comfortable. ...on second thought, i think i'll walk... (announcer) are you gellin'? dr. scholl's
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first of the month and the
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first day of a strike by the construction workers in the metro area. >> the hopeful news is they will sit down next week to try and work out differences. judy garcia has more. >> reporter: that meeting was already scheduled for july 7 on wednesday. meanwhile, no work done today here in the congress parkway bridge. none of the work done on the ike resurfacing project. in fact, lots of heavy equipment just like this sat idle just like this on the first full day of the heavy equipment workers strike. >> workers began walking off jobs on road construction projects, hospitals, schools, hotels, various projects thousands of projects across ten counties. >> reporter: sat silent at the sites and union leaders say thousands of other work sites like it are also silenced. contractors have been unable to negotiate a new contract with
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the union to operate the machinery. >> their last was 15% for three years. for the first year and second year and 1.25% for the last year. >> where does health care factor? >> wage and defendants package. >> reporter: they are willing to meet with the contractors anytime to talk about the contract. >> they said they would not meet with us until the 7. >> we will see them on the 7th. >> reporter: union leaders say they have some 15,000 workers to get back to work but they can't do that if contractors will not meet them. >> the purpose of negotiation so to start at both ends and work their way to the middle. >> reporter: we should point out there are certain places exempt from this strike. they include the tollway
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system, northwestern memorial hospital, certain other sites that have negotiated with the union to keep their site open and improvements going on even during this strike. meanwhile, i. d.o.t. has been widening lanes for this weekend. but they will not sit down until wednesday july 7, a meeting that had already been scheduled even before this strike happened. judy garcia, wgn news. >> thank you. man playing with fireworks in critical condition tonight with severe injuries to his place. that happening after the fireworks blew up in his face. officials asking residents to celebrate the 4th of july safely. one way to stay safe is watch along the lake front. it will be at three locations. navy pier and 63rd street beach. five concert goers overcome
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with heat at the taste and have to get medical care. [ sirens ] >> as you can see ambulances rushing to the scene. they had been in line for hours waiting for the trey songz concert. wgn news' tom negovan is live tonight. >> reporter: and we still don't know all the place where is the ax will fall. here's what we do know. >> today making tough budget choices in order to move the state guard. >> reporter: even as he stamped it and signed it, he admitted that moving forward means taking some steps back. education gets hit hard. elementary and high school
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programs cut by $241 million. higher education by $96 million. health and human services takes a $316 million cut. $57million for public safety. a quick and cutting response from the chicago teachers union. today subsidies for developers and kickbacks to corporations won out over educating children. and this from quinn's main opponent. governor quinn has cranked up the old rod blagojevich razzle- dazzle machine says republican bill brady. it's too little too late. but it was state lawmakers who left the chief executive standing alone to deliver the bad news unable to agree on a budget plan they handed unprecedents power to pat quinn. >> we have the emergency budget act some of the strongest reserve and spending control powers the governor's ever had.
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>> care for people who have mental illness, who are in residential care, making sure those people are not put out on the streets has been a priority of the governors. >> reporter: how that will be done, we're still not sure. the budget announcement short on specifics going forward with the state still $12 billion in the hole. >> we created 70,000 jobs in illinois since the beginning of the year. and that's good. we're on the road to economic recovery. but we know we have a long, long way to go. >> reporter: the governor has not the a lot of help from state lawmakers in balancing the books. call the attempt smoke and mirrors. more details expected to be announced over the summer. >> thanks. he was barely 7 years old when he became the face of the immigration debate. now ariano is back in chicago. and al gore on the
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defensive. why he's telling opponents to hey, pete. yeah, it's me, big brother. put the remote down and listen. this intervention brought to you by niaspan. so you cut back on the cheeseburgers and stopped using your exercise bike as a coat rack. that's it? you're done? i don't think so. you told me your doctor's worried about plaque clogging your arteries - what did he call it...coronary artery disease. that cholesterol medicine he also wants you on - niaspan? i looked it up online. hey, pete, you waiting for an engraved invitation? if you have high cholesterol and coronary artery disease, and diet and exercise are not enough, niaspan, along with diet and a bile acid-binding resin, is fda-approved not only to
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he was in the immigration debate here. today arellano returns to hometown. his mother was an illegal immigrant that opened the advocate for reform. he was born here so he's a u.s. citizen. been living in mexico with his mother. now 10 years old, he's in town to spend time with family and friends. president obama says political posturing, special
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interest wrangling the reason for gridlock on immigration reform. >> mr. obama calling for a wide range approach to fix the system. in his first speech on immigration, it will require more than fences and border patrols. he says businesses knowingly hiring illegals will pay a price. mr. obama wants to create a way for some 11 million undocumented workers to become citizens. we want to hear from you. do you think immigration reform will solve the problem of illegal immigration? text yes or no to 97999 or vote on our results after the seven-day forecast. california lawmakers approve the settlement of $20 million for the family of jay jason jay see sea dugard.
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he raped her and two daughters with her. both pled not guilty. authorities did not properly try to find her arranged that jaycee suffered physical and emotional damage for years. travel website priceline giving one chicago spot is the highest of marks as the country's number one 4th of july destination. now mel gibson's exgirlfriend says he's mouthing off again. and you may want this place added to your list to go to. crusin' illinois in havana.
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if you're planning on getting your sun kissed look if from tanning beds this summer,
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be ready to pay up. the 10% tax increase on tanning is in effect. the tanning tax expected to raise $2.7 billion over the next ten years. spray a tans not included. in tomorrow's chicago tribune, more on something we reported this week. asian carp in indiana. they're in the river near port wayne. find out how the carp can get into the great lake system from there. if any state can curtail movement of the species. fire up the grill and never double dip. it's summer party time. and the paper details the lengths some people are going to when they plan their perfect parties. sizzling summer temperatures in store for the weekend. just how hot it will get, tom
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skilling will tell us in the forecast when he comes right up. welcome to you must be looking for motorcycle insurance. you're good. thanks. so is our bike insurance. all the coverage you need at a great price. hold on, cowboy. cool. i'm not done -- for less than a dollar a month, you also get 24/7 roadside assistance. right on. yeah, vroom-vroom! sounds like you ran a 500. more like a 900 v-twin. excuse me. the right insurance for your ride. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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[ kid 1 ] wanna know somwe love summertime fun!s? ...wearing our favorite colors... ...and jamming to our favorite bands! ♪ but we love eating totino's the most. we live for fun... ...friends... [ both ] ...and best of all... [ all ] ...our favorite... ...eating totino's! ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ we're the kids in...
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it's all that people notice. i didn't even think that was possible. [ woman ] i know, but there it is. [ sniffing ] febreze you plug in to the wall. [ male announcer ] from febreze comes noticeables. freshness you'll notice or your money back. hurricane alex land in mexico last night. ripping off roofs, killing two people as well. one man drown after banks of a river burst open. major power outages. thousands of people in fishing villages were forced to head to
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the texas border. it weakened as it headed to the west. >> we found a thing on the camera, a water spot in the images yesterday as alex went ashore. in our own area, word today from the midwestern region center that this was the wettest chicago june in about 108 years. second wettest on record. one of the by-products is one of the things you see here. comes from my friend john in wilmington, illinois. he has a picture of his colleague sitting next to 112- inch high corn in will county south of chicago. last year the corn was only knee high he says. they've had about 18-inches of rain there since april first. what a difference a year makes
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with this warm spring and early summer weather we've had. gorgeous day. look how sharp the horizon is. no high humidity. that's going to change. we're in the longest midst of rainfall that we've had here. watch the top of the picture here but you'll see it see that water spout. we'll run through it. this is off galveston island. you'll see the water spout shoot across the top of the screen and the turbulent waters in the gulf of mexico as alex went ashore far south of this. but it churned up the water over a good chunk of the gulf of mexico. that's not the case tonight. things are quieting down in our area. they have been quiet but look at the rains that have occurred since midnight in many areas of texas as squalls go through there. even though the hurricane has faded away.
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almost 5 inches in houston today. high island, texas had 4.25 inches rain. and tonight we enjoy temperatures near 80 degrees. these are actual highs across today. these are current temperatures. 72 at whitney young high school. 70 dekalb. and still being cooled by a lake breeze as more south winds come in here. got an east wind at 5 at o'hare. the dew points are low tonight. it's going to get kind of cool in the suburbs as it did last night with 40-degree temperatures. upper 40s and only in spots but that's amazing we're getting them anywhere. of course beautiful weather in fox lake today. those 30-degree readings earlier. look at the circulation that looks organized falls apart once this storm is deprived of the heat energy it derives from
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warm ocean waters. that's why hurricanes are over water to stay viable. the grinding of the circulation over the land and the lack of the latent heat breaking them down. the jet stream that will settle closer to us late in the holiday weekend. till then we have this dome producing record high temperatures in parts of the dakotas. it was 114 in phoenix today. and 115 at death valley. 106 in las vegas. so blazingly hot weather out to the west of us. and this hot dome is going to build eastward keeping the showers and thunderstorms at bay at least for the moment. this is the moisture pool that
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is producing these rains and increasing temperatures and humidities. beautiful sunny weather here. the temperatures tonight in good shape as you can see. readings, dew points in the 40s. so we'll have isolated 40s in outlying areas. warming to the mid-80s tomorrow and into the 90s on saturday and sunday. that will be the first 4th of july at 90 in years here. tonight a big cool for early july temperature, 56. winds go calmly tonight. tomorrow 100% sunny and warmer. high of 84, south winds increase to 18. clear and warm tomorrow night. 65 humidity still in check. but they start creeping higher in the afternoon on saturday a day where we'll see puffy fair weather clouds. temperatures will be flirting with 90 degrees. as south winds blow and overcome brake breezes.
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and 92 on the 4th, a chance of a thunderstorm in the afternoon. only over about 20% of the area. much better chance of storms monday and we get a wet pattern going next week. we'll talk more about that in the seven day coming up. >> thanks. place to sit back, enjoy a hand-rolled cigar for some. we're going to havana, illinois with julian crews. and the best place to watch the fireworks according to that's right here in chicago. [ male announcer ] there's a better way to get rid of odors
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on hard to wash fabrics. for all the things you can't wash, freshen it with febreze. febreze eliminates odors and leaves a light fresh scent. whoa. it's a breath of fresh air.
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hand-rolled cigars, historic architecture and intoxicating breeze off the water. >> just some of what you'll experience in exotic havana. havana, illinois is tonight's destination. no passport necessary for this one. just enjoy the cruise as we go down the illinois river. julian crews leading the excursion. >> reporter: you can feel the
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history on the century old streets of havana. in the 1840s, the settlement was named for a curious illinois river island just off shore. an island shaped like cuba. >> i think people especially in that time scined by exotic plac >> reporter: bustling with commerce, the spirited town reveled in its exotic identity assuming the customs and clothing of the cuban capitol. savoring this festival was the world's tallest man. dwarfing is 6'9" man. it was an opportunity capitalizing on the allure of the cuban city. they set up cigar factories. >> trying to make you think
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they were cuban manufactured cigars perhaps. when you look at the labeling of some of the boxes, they'll say havana and illinois in small. >> reporter: some used an outer leaf from cuba to wrap the u.s. tobacco. but others had labeling in foreign looking tax stamps to lend an air of authenticity to their havana cigars. the mystique of the major leagues boosted the industry. havana's own fred beck was national league home run champ. >> fred came back and rolled cigars for the rest of his life and coached ball at the high school. >> reporter: for close to a hundred years, havana gave root to 65 cigar manufacturers. this bountiful river town found
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ways to diversify. shipping other goods down river. havana was famous for water foul, the home of the duck supplied places with wild geese and game. a testament to the spirit and resourcefulness of a colorful illinois city. crusin' havana, julian crews, wgn news. >> that's a salsa, what was he doing? >> i'm not sure. >> to plan your trip to havana, log on to'. for more on havana, illinois, click on our historic photo album of havana. coming up: going to cost tiger woods a lot of dough to keep his wife quiet. another day, another deal. later in sports, rich king has the lathest on another salary capped casualty for the blackhawks. (announcer) which hair color has beauty editors buzzing?
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perfect 10 - the ten minute phenomenon from nice 'n easy. rich color stunning high gloss and flawless gray coverage all in just 10 minutes a breakthrough so big, it won the most awards from beauty editors. they even say... "...perfect 10 has forever changed our opinion of at-home color" has it changed yours yet? perfect 10. the 10 minute, high gloss color that changes everything. from clairol.
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dr. scholl's back pain relief orthotics with shockguard technology give you immediate relief that lasts all day long. dr. scholl's. pain relief is a step away. for constipation relief... nothing works better than miralax. it's the one. the one recommended by more doctors. only miralax is clinically proven to relieve constipation with no harsh side effects. miralax is the only one. restore your body's natural rhythm with miralax. portland, oregon police have reopened the investigation into al gore make.
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his spokesperson said bring it on. the case will only benefit mr. gofer. the national enquirer first reported them a week ago. the portland newspapers knew about it. the reports say he groped and kissed her and pinned her down on a bed in a massage parlor. gore denies the claims. the sun newspaper in england claiming tiger and his wife have agreed to a $750 million payout. under the reported deal, he has to keep his girlfriends away from his two kids and elin is banned from videos and interviews and book deals for the rest of her life. mel gibson in trouble. an online news site says his girlfriend has a tape of him
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yelling at her using bad words. gibson's representative would not confirm nor deny this report. tom skilling's got a seven- day forecast which includes 90s, i believe? >> you are right. the heat developing out in the plain today and eastbound headed in this direction just in time for the 4th of july weekend. we had a high of 79 today. a record tieing -- record breaking 94 at grand forks. there you see the humidities creeping higher too. it's going to get humid around here but not right away. not until saturday and sunday. humidity is at 33%.
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moderate mold spore count today. grass is moderate. by the way, along with news, this was the wettest illinois june in 108 years and the second wettest since records started in 1895. jim angel our state climbtologist reports these numbers for the month of june. but throughout parts of the state. the south winds in the plains are eastbound. and they're going to pump those temperatures up to 84 tomorrow and as they strengthen, to 91 on saturday and 92 on july 4, sunday. first chance of rain the in the form of scattered thunderstorms over 20 or 30% of the area sunday. they're not a sure thing yet but where they happen, they'll produce downpours. they will become more nostras and in clusters on monday and tuesday.
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and it looks like situations where these storms could barrel across parts of the midwest and the chicago area. we may get active again after a lovely break in the weather here to open the month of july. >> all right. thank you very much. all of us know already, chicago's a lot town. >> so do tourists now to watch the holiday weekend. told them. millennium park is the number one destination for out of towners from across the country this year. number five in the list, mad mile and river north area. lincoln park comes in at 37 across the country. the survey of popular 4th of july destinations there. it was all business in chicago in tonight's photos of the day captured it all. >> to budget cuts. mayor daley's push for gun control. here it is in the trib's photos
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of the day. ♪ [ music ] the budget will be down by over $1.4 billion. maintaining our investments in education and health care and public safety. >> when you lose a child because of gun violence that takes them forever. ♪[ music ]
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>> more photos at coming up: busy first day of free agency for the bulls. we'll tell you who they talked to and who they'll talk to this weekend. the cubs show a brief glimpse of life. rich king next with sports. ♪ [ male announcer ] nature valley sweet & salty nut bars... they're made from whole roasted nuts and dipped in creamy peanut butter... ♪
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...making your craving for a sweet & salty bar... ♪ ...irresistible. by nature valley. ♪ for constipation relief... nothing works better than miralax. it's the one. the one recommended by more doctors. only miralax is clinically proven to relieve constipation with no harsh side effects. miralax is the only one. restore your body's natural rhythm with miralax.
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developing story into our newsroom. there's been a stabbing in the loop tonight. we don't know a lot other than it happened near the taste of chicago crowd leaving the concert there. live to judy garcia with the latest. >> reporter: let's take you to video of the scene. we just recently received word that it was a possible stabbing of a young man at state and jackson. when we arrived on the scene, we saw a young african-american man face up outside the radio shack estate in jackson. he was transported to northwestern hospital listed in serious condition. he suffered at least one stab wound, we understand. this happened as people were exiting taste of chicago. we don't know if this man had been at taste of chicago. all this information is preliminary. chicago police remain on the
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scene. stay tuned to wgn and cltv for more on this developing story. >> thank you. of course we'll post more on now to rich king in an extremely busy sports day especially with hoops and the blackhawks. >> we'll know which teams were the losers in a few days for the bidding for dwayne wade and chris bosch and lebron james. more guessing about who will go where. just the facts for now. lebron was meeting with the bulls today with a two or three hour session. may also have an informal meeting had one with chris bosch. meantime, lebron james was in cleveland meeting with the nets and the knicks. he will meet with the clippers and heat tomorrow. we're also told the bulls will have a formal meeting with bosch here in chicago. then it appears that the entire
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bulls brass going to ohio to meet with lebron on saturday. i asked beat writer casey johnson to assess the bull's chances of landing lebron james. >> everyone you talk to around the league say it's between the bulls and the cavaliers. i don't think there are any coincidence they are pitching to him saturday. i think the nets have a dark horse ability and you can't dispute lebron's relationship with minority owner jay-z. it comes down to if he leaves home. and if he does, i think he would choose the bulls. mean thyme hook on a mainstay from the blackhawks is gone. also goodbye to adam burge. andrew lad an inspiration. had had three goals and 19
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assists in games. he is 22 years old. the salary cap suffering over the the hawks soon as they retool for another stanley cup run. >> blackhawks have shown that we can embrace change when it's necessary. in this case it was necessary to make moves to make sure that we're reloaded for the future. and i've been trying to be clear on that that we're really trying to keep this thing going for many years to come. in order to do that you have to get young assets whether it's draft choices or prospects or roster players to come into the mix with the great core we already have. baseball now. dusty baker back at wrigley field. he an the cubs shut out in and got more here to make it 2-0. but the 8th the cubs fight
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back. a clutch hit. the game was tied at 2-2. but the 10th inning, drew gets a grounder. nice takeout at second base. run scores reds win 3-2. travis wood shutting them down in the major league debut. >> i don't think he struck out many hitters. but they went through six or seven innings i think we had one hit. big hit when we need it and we fall short. been a reoccurring theme. until we start doing that, it'll continue to be a struggle. >> back to the nba. phil jackson back for one more year with the lakers. byron scott the new at cleveland. and serena williams advances. and then the cubs game and
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pitcher carlos silva tried to cool himself off thought he got water in his face trying to cool off, turned out to be gatorade. [ laughter ] >> cup stuck to his head. >> that is the news for this thursday night. we're happy you shared time with us. i'm micah materre. >> and i'm mark suppelsa. have a good night and we'll see you back here tomorrow. you want some fiber one honey clusters? yeah. you must really care about him. what? no, no. you gave him fiber. no she didn't. this tastes way too good to be fiber. they're delicious crunchy clusters with sweet honey and half a day's worth of fiber. you care about my fiber? not really. i care about your fiber too. i have for a while. ok, carl. why don't you care about her fiber?
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